Saturday, September 27, 2008


  1. In pursuit of Christ's eternal objectives, we equip and encourage business leaders to operate their businesses and conduct their personal lives in accordance with biblical principles.
  2. As we do, we thrive personally, professionally, and in serving others. Our influence grows, our lives become an example for others to follow and Christ is honored in the workplace
  • Bring together in faith, a fellowship of companies whose leaders desire to glorify Jesus Christ in every aspect of their businesses.
  • Create a forum for business leaders; owners, executives, entrepreneurs and professionals to join in collective sharing that will increase the faith of participants and better prepare them to handle daily business situations in a manner glorifying Christ in spirit and truth.
  • Encourage business leaders to assemble regularly for specific times of earnest prayer together, believing that God will especially honor this prayer time.
  • Exhort business leaders to an "obedient Christian walk" that will help bring into perspective such questions as "What is God's purpose for me in business?" "What is God's plan for my life and where does my family fit?" "Will I give God an opportunity to impact eternity though my 'availability'?"
  • Encourage an environment conducive to growth in Christ; believing that we grow better in the fellowship of others who are growing.
  • Provide fellowship on the basis of regeneration (new birth) and heart for God, emphasizing unity in the body of Christ through God's supernatural agape love.
  • Share with each other the ways in which we have attempted to bring glory to Jesus, while recognizing that the Holy Spirit works uniquely through our individual personalities.
  • Encourage each other toward the purposes of FCCI, without legalism or condemnation, with the full understanding that people are free to disagree on the non-essentials left open to individual choice.
  • Encourage the business leader and his or her spouse to participate together in all aspects of FCCI, believing that it is essential to family unity for business leaders and spouses to be in one accord on business matters.
  • Encourage each other to catch the vision of much good fruit being borne for Jesus through "abiding in the vine" resulting in the generous giving of one's talent, time and treasure.
  • Provide biblical resource information, based upon Holy Scripture with the goal that the business leaders would implement these areas.