Friday, October 30, 2009

Fear Not!

Do You Know God's Calling On Your Life? A new experience is available to help you discover the strengths, interests, gifts, and skills God wired into you to fulfill your calling. Excellent for adults as well as young adults and teens. Learn More (

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

God calls each of us to engage in spiritual warfare at times. Whenever satan wants to come against one of God's children, he does so by trying to intimidate through fear. Goliath's formidable size and arrogant boasting intimidated Saul and Israel's army. And because God's anointing had fallen from Saul, he was unable to respond with courage to Goliath's charge. Fear paralyzes and torments. That is why Saul could not respond.

The anointing had fallen on David, who was just a young boy, but mighty in spirit. David did not cower at the size or shouts of the giant Goliath. He saw Goliath through the eyes of God, who saw him as a mere speck. David had righteous indignation for an affront to the armies of the living God.

David did not weigh the risk of failure because his faith was resting totally in God. That is another important factor in overcoming fear-complete trust in God. When the Lord began training me to confront fear, the training grounds were a groundless lawsuit, intimidations, and calamity that confronted my very existence. Learning that these were merely tactics of the enemy, designed to instill fear, allowed me to stand firm in God's power to overcome.

Do not fear sudden calamity if you are walking uprightly before God. It may be setting the stage for a great victory that will bring praise and honor to your heavenly Father. These battles are training grounds for greater victories to come.

Thursday, October 22, 2009





在尼希米带领百姓重建耶路撒冷城墙的故事里,我们看到当整个计划已经完成一半的时候,百姓开始灰心,想要放弃。就如同许多教会的情形一般,当他们失去目标感时,就被疲惫、挫折、惧怕所击倒。尼希米借着将任务重新规划,以及将异象重新灌注给百姓,来复兴百姓继续工作。他提醒他们所做的是何等重要,并教他们确信神必定帮助他们完成目标(尼4:6—15)。结果城墙 52天就完成了。











人们往往早已忘了讲道的信息,却对口号、标语、精髓的句子久久不忘。很多历史上的重要事件都是系于一个关键口号“记得阿拉莫!”(Alamo是 1836年,墨西哥与德州战争时的一个战场,墨西哥曾在那里屠杀当地全部的德州人,译者注),“击沉俾斯麦!”(Bismarck是19世纪统一德国的首相,此处指一艘著名的德国战舰,译者注),“不自由,毋宁死!’等等都是例子。历史证明一句简单的口号,坚定的重述,能激励人去做他们本来不会去做的事 ——甚至是在战场上舍命。









God's Double-Talk

"The Lord said to Moses, 'When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.'" Exodus 4:21

Have you ever had a boss tell you to do something only to have him sabotage your ability to complete the task? Nothing is more frustrating than to begin to carry out a task and have your superior thwart your effort to do what he asked you to do. Moses must have felt this way after God told him to go to Pharaoh and tell him to release the people of Israel. He said, "I am going to give you the power to release the children of Israel by the miracles I will do through you." Yet at the same time, He told Moses they would not be released because He was going to put a hard heart in Pharaoh. How do we reconcile this?

In my own life, I knew God called me to certain endeavors. Yet every time I turned around, a roadblock stood in my way. It took years of plodding along before the light came on as to why there was such a distance between what God called me to do and the manifestation of that calling. When David was anointed king of Israel, it was years before he realized the manifestation of that calling. There were a number of reasons for these delays.

In the case of Moses and Israel, God wanted to demonstrate His power in such a way that generations would be able to hear the story of their deliverance from their ancestors. God wanted greater glory from the situation. God also wanted to deal with Egypt by sending specific plagues. Finally, the very process built character in Moses and tested Moses to see if he would stay the course.

There is a time for everything. If God has called you to some endeavor and you are frustrated that it has not manifested, know that times of preparation and simmering are required before the vision can be achieved. Seldom does God call and manifest something at the same time. There is preparation. There is testing. There is relationship building between you and God that must take place. Once this is complete, you will see the vision materialize.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


「当信主耶稣,你和你一家都必得救。」 徒16:31








胜过令人沮丧的结果 「我们行善,不可丧志…



可是,加拉太书6:9说:「我们行善,不可丧志;若不灰心,到了时候就要收成。」  无情的事实是,并非任何人都会对福音的信息有同样的接受程度,耶稣引用撒种的比喻来说明这个道理。福音的种子撒在不同的土壤上:路上、石头地、荆棘和好地。有些种子不能结果;有些种子却结出丰硕果子来。但无论如何,农夫有责任继续撒种。






当我年青时,从没有人教导过我,应怎样一对一地和不认识耶稣的人分享我的信仰,而我唯一一次谈及自己的信仰,是在毫无压力的情况下,与其他信徒一起分享信仰的。  数年后,我要完成一项暑期宣教任务,我在这次过程中,得到了这方面的指导,而经过数次培训后,牧师便派我到社区去实习。当我第一次和一位非信徒分享属灵经验时,我吓得半死。但后来,我的信心和能力都逐渐增加了。





Saturday, October 17, 2009


「因为神赐给我们,不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。」 提后1:7








Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Light 光

“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14
「你们是世上的光。」 太5:14

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses two simple yet powerful images to describe our role in this world. We are called to be salt and light.

We are to stand in the midst of a world darkened by sin and shine for him. We are to give warmth and life to the people around us.

When Christians conceal their faith or keep it to themselves, no one benefits. The people around them remain confused in the dark about the truth.

But when Christians reveal their faith and let their light shine, things change.

One day a fellow went into his basement and made an interesting discovery. Some potatoes had sprouted in the darkest corner of the room.

At first he couldn’t figure out how the potatoes had gotten enough light to begin to grow. Then he noticed a copper kettle hanging from the ceiling near a window on the opposite end of the basement. The kettle was polished so brightly that it reflected the rays of the sun onto the potatoes.

That morning the man had been studying this passage from Matthew 5 for his devotions. Instantly he thought, “I need to be like that copper kettle, brightly polished, catching the rays of God’s Son and reflecting his light to someone living in a dark corner of my world.”

耶稣在登山宝训中,使用了两个简单却有力的形象来描述我们在世上扮演的角色, 呼召我们作盐和作光。







Tuesday, October 6, 2009

作盐 Salt

Just over 25 years ago, the Susan B. Anthony silver dollar was introduced in the United States. The intent was to develop a more durable currency. The problem was that the silver dollar could easily be mistaken for a quarter. Legally it was worth a dollar, but people considered it a nuisance because of its size.

The same thing can happen when an unbelieving world sees the lives of believers as no different from their own. If there’s nothing distinctive about our lives as Christians--other than going to church on Sundays--then the Christian faith is meaningless and ineffective.

But Jesus saw his followers as being distinct. He even called them “the salt of the earth.” Before the days of refrigeration, salt was the most common means of preserving meat and other perishable foods. Salt has a way of slowing down the process of spoiling. Christians are to have that same kind of effect in this world. Our presence is to slow down the corrosive, spoiling effects of sin. But this only happens when Christians get out of the saltshaker and penetrate their communities.

Salt also adds flavor. It makes food tastier and more pleasing. Similarly, the presence of a believer should add zest, joy, and zip to a home, a workplace, or a community. When a Christian is added to the mix, that place ought to become more pleasant and inviting.

刚刚在二十五年前,美国引进一种新的硬币,叫Susan B. Anthony银币。当时的用意,是要发展一种较耐用的货币。可是,问题是这种银币很容易与面值二角五分的银币混淆。这种银币的法定面值是一美元,但碍于它的体积而不受人欢迎。


