Thursday, October 30, 2008

Leadership Lessons from an Ant

Leadership Lessons from an Ant

Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest. Proverbs 6:6-8

Do you want to make a difference? Then pay attention to the metaphor of the ant. It's amazing that one of the smallest of God's creatures can become one of His greatest teachers. The lessons the ant teaches us can be summarized this way:
A- Attitude of Initiative
Ants don't need a commander to tell them to get started.
N- Nature of Integrity
Ants work faithfully and need no outside accountability to keep them doing right.
T- Thirst for Industry
Ants work hard and will replace their anthill when it gets ruined.
S- Source of Insight
Ants store provisions in summer.
If we consider and learn from the ways of the ant, we can grow wise.

The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Wednesday, October 29, 2008













5.时间限期 (Time)


Tuesday, October 28, 2008



每个人需要目标,如果没有会发生一件很悲惨的事情在没有目标身上.为什么? 因为有了目标生命才有进步!
有了进步生命就有了影响力. 所以我要成功的成为巨大影响力的成功,邻袖,基督徒.


S=Specific 明确的
M=Measurable 可以衡量的 (知己知彼,百战百胜)
A=Action Plan 行动计划
R=Realistic 实际的
T=Timing Control 时机的,用多久?

Monday, October 27, 2008




-我要花40%来工作. 16小时到18小时.Moving Beyond Success to the significance





Value Of Christian and Our Life 高品格的生命.

Pastor was speech about the "Value Of Christian and Our Life"

1st we must have Hope, Dreams
2nd we have to become Center of Influence
3th we must have a excellence value in our life

4th we must have a touching life to the world


Saturday, October 25, 2008









我是谁? ——定位






 第一,我喜欢做销售吗?

 第二,我适合做吗?

 第三,我做这个销售工作,能够给我带来大量收入吗?









Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Applying Faith When Economic Fear Strikes

Avoiding Unhealthy Fear

The economic earthquake rocking America and the world is bringing great change to the financial landscape. Our choice as Christians is to turn to the Lord for wisdom and guidance rather than become slaves to fear.

According to Chad Moler there are 365 “fear not” references in the Bible, one for every day of the year. The Lord knew in turbulent times we would need constant reminders to place our trust in Him. Paul wrote, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV).

A key principle to remember when we experience fear is to differentiate between healthy fear and unhealthy fear. For example, I live in the State of Arizona in close proximity to mountain lions. In the unlikely event a mountain lion would stalk me, experiencing normal appropriate fear would allow me to take immediate action and get out of the way. Experiencing inappropriate fear would convince me to never go for a walk because I might get attacked by a mountain lion. Healthy appropriate fear prompts us to correct action, while unhealthy fear can paralyze us.

Steps for Creating a Faith Attitude

1. We need to turn to the Lord for wisdom, not the Wall Street “experts.” King Solomon wrote, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV). Trust is a choice. Since we choose to trust our spouse and choose to trust certain news sources, we can therefore choose to trust the Lord.

2. We must remember Scripture’s admonition, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV). When we struggle with apprehension, our stomach churns and our heart flutters. Instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed, we have the ability to cast all our care upon the Lord. Even if we struggle to release our fears, we can ask the Lord to remove them through prayer.

3. We need to ask for God’s peace and direction. James wrote, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault” (James 1:5 NIV). In prayer ask the Lord to give you wisdom, direction and peace even when others are confused and fearful. Ask the Lord for the specific steps he would have you take. A specific direction from God in your circumstance will be far more powerful than any so-called “expert” advice.

4. When the pressure builds, we need to take hold of God’s promise as Paul expressed so well, “My God will meet all your needs” (Philippians 4:19 NIV). However, we must remember that while the Lord is faithful to provide all our needs, he has not promised to meet every desire we have.

Drought Comes to the Just and the Unjust

The Lord sent a drought to Israel and the Prophet Elijah suffered the consequences of that drought along with the remnant of the faithful who had never bowed to the false god Baal. Although Scripture demonstrates how the Lord provided for Elijah, (see 1 Kings 17) keeping Elijah alive by his direct intervention, Elijah was allowed to suffer during the drought. Likewise, in a brutal financial environment, the pain will be shared by the just and the unjust. The Lord will see us through this time of financial hardship but we must be prepared to experience a certain level of personal difficulty.

Setting Appropriate Action

First, because in our fast paced world facts can be elusive, we must take the appropriate amount of time to determine what the facts really are. The Lord can give us divine clarity to see and evaluate the real facts in a confusing situation. With the financial world presenting us with more and more talking heads with differing perspectives based on conflicting facts, only God can help us sort out the fact from the fiction.

Second, once we receive clarity, we need to take appropriate action without delay. As King Solomon wrote, “How long will you fools fight the facts?” (Proverbs 1:22 NLT). Whatever action the Lord impresses us to take; we need to act on that promptly.
The Lord has provided a pathway that moves us from fear to faith. As we make the choice to embrace the Lord and his wisdom, direction, and peace through faith, we become a shining light for the Lord. That light, even during the darkest economic times, is a light that can guide many to a relationship with Christ. Together may we all be Christ’s light in the current darkness.
AND DON’T FORGET, to subscribe to Steve Marr’s excellent daily email, go to either or Take advantage of this valuable resource, and daily encouragement from another former CEO who’s daily radio feature, "Business Proverbs," can be heard on over 1,000 radio stations internationally.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

神所对付的人? 我所对付的我自己.

在我的人生生活里, 有许多方面的错误观点,许多犯错误的地方,许多没有纪律处分.导致我们陷入困境,贫苦,挫折,失败,等等.最重要的是我们的关系与神离开了.是什么原因呢?


最主要的是我们的老我... 所以我的上帝,爱我的上帝要对我做的事情就是:对付我,破碎我,创造我,提升我.

A)对付.. 神要对付一个人(我)是因为我们心里的高傲,不谦虚谨慎. 所以我被对付. 马太11.29[我心里柔和谦虚谨慎,你们当负我的帆,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必的享平安] 神喜悦谦虚谨慎.谦虚谨慎是一种温柔,是柔中带刚,刚中带柔.

B)破碎我..不是每个被神对付的人都已经被破碎的.因为,有些人虽然被神对付,怯不明白是神的手在工作. 而以为是人的手在对付他,这人就会变得更刚硬.虽然他也想改变,但怯不能,因为老我还没有真正被神破碎.



Monday, October 20, 2008

Seven-Step Solution to the Economic Crisis

Seven-Step Solution to the Economic Crisis

In light of the massive amount of signs pointing to what some are calling the “economic crisis of a century,” an “economic Pearl Harbor,” or a “financial tsunami, including the collapse or near collapse of some of largest financial institutions in American history, I believe we all have reason now to ask: “What can I do to help solve this problem?” I for one believe it is time we stop looking to the federal government as the final solution and mobilize the grassroots of this nation to bring about the economic change that is desperately needed.

Here are the steps I believe will solve this crisis by each of us doing our part to fight this on a personal, local level.

Step 1: Ask God to Help

The most glaring error in all the news reports, public debate, and political rhetoric is that I have yet to hear any leader make reference for our collective need to look beyond ourselves for a solution and turn to God Almighty. Yet, when I read of our political leaders identifying the root cause of this meltdown as “greed,” it is as if we have forgotten that greed and its resulting consequences is a heart problem, not a policy problem.

The Scripture teaches that money is not the solution to money problems. In fact, it says that whoever loves money never has enough, and that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Money problems are heart problems and can only be solved by a change of heart initiated by repentance.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:13-14, NIV).

Step Two – A New American Dream

I would call for an emergency economic recovery plan for American citizens to begin immediately. The plan would be for every American to get his or her personal house in order as quickly as possible. Throughout our history, we have shown that when leaders have called upon and trusted in the power and capacity of the voluntary efforts of the American people, we have risen to the challenge. We are a resilient people, willing to do our part in times of crisis. When there is a call to action, we will take up the challenge with great resolve.

As followers of Christ we should be prepared if we must endure another Great Depression. We must show the world that what holds us together is not a political system, as great as it may be; it is not capitalism, as great as it may be; nor is it even the democracy that has made this nation great. It is the living out of our motto printed on our coins: In God We Trust. The real economic recovery needed is the recovery of the Biblical values we hold dear. Call it "The New American Dream - Living Within Our Means," a concept as old as the Scripture itself. It was God who taught us to:

1. Honor God with our wealth.
2. Save but do not hoard.
3. Get out of debt.
4. Invest wisely and steadily.

Simply put, God wants us to live within our means so we can be free from all financial bondage. I would call for churches, businessmen, and the educational sector to implement programs to lead the way.

Step Three - Become Culture Contrarians

Ask for the American citizens to show the way for the change we need. We have reversed the sense of order in our nation.

Support measures that create accountability for government officials to get our federal, state, and local governments fiscally responsible. How can we demand change when we reflect the same lack of self control demonstrated by the spending habits of our government?

We must lead, not wait to be led.

Step Four – Call For Non-Governmental Solutions for the Hurting

I call on the business community to develop programs that help the real backbone of this culture, the work force. Reward your employees who want out of the financial trap they are in. Have a contest or offer assistance to help people to sell their houses, to downsize, to get rid of the gas-guzzler, or to pay off mountains of credit card debt.

As the great unwind takes place, seize the opportunity to help. Offer flexible schedules for the work-at-home parents. Have an assistance plan to avoid foreclosure for those who will live on a budget and make necessary lifestyle changes. Have a Frugal Friday where everyone brings their lunches, shares rides, and reduces wasteful spending. Give a cash prize or gift card to those who have new ideas and ways to help improve the financial health of the company or its employees. Encourage helping others in the company and reward those who take initiative to do that.

Step Five – Mobilize the Power of Serving Each Other

I would call for a renewed purpose for neighbors and community service groups to find out how they can innovatively help those facing foreclosure in their communities. Step up and ask God for creative solutions that negate the need for a government solution. Many people simply need someone to help them see through the pressure and stress they face. Mobilize volunteers who have the capacity to coach and counsel others in their time of need.

Knock on a neighbor’s door and ask if you can be of any help. Recommend they turn to Crown where they can find a trained financial coach for free.

Ask a retired banker, stockbroker or financial planner if they will help individuals learn basic money management skills rooted in Biblical principles. Invite them to speak up in churches, lunch meetings, or in a community room of your apartment complex. Look for wisdom and soak it up when you find it.

Set up assistance programs among professional associations that rewards being wise with money. Make living within your means the expected culture in your groups. Pastors, doctors, lawyers, bikers, athletes, car dealers, counselors, retired people, educators, and many more all have large associations that can mobilize people to help others. Make it a goal that your association will implement a new plan to educate those who struggle with financial issues.

Step Six – Shift our Dependency

God warned us that we must never place our hopes in anything or anyone other than Him. Idolatry is seldom even mentioned in our culture any longer. It has become the norm to replace our dependency on God with an exalted view of education, wealth, athletic ability, travel, entertainment, or power. Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?' " (NIV).

This passage comes with a warning and a promise: money will leave you, Jesus will not. Place your hopes and dreams in a temporal idol and you will have temporal hopes and dreams, but place all of your hopes in Him and He will never disappoint you.

Step Seven – Grow Deep for Stormy Days Ahead

As simple as it may sound, our nation is starved for Truth, for the security of immutable principles and policies. That Truth is found only in knowing and applying God’s Word. For the days ahead, we must anchor our souls in Truth like the comfort found in
I Chronicles 29:11-12: “Everything in the heavens and earth is Yours, O Lord, and this is Your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone, and you are the Ruler of all mankind; Your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that men are made great and given strength” (LB).


These are the seven steps that I believe will provide a lasting solution for the economic crisis we face. Anything short may postpone the pain but will not solve the root problem.

Our motivation should be to get our own house in order and prepare to serve those around us who are neither prepared or expecting the challenges we will face. The real antidote to our economic woes lies in our heart…in our beliefs…in our values…in our faith in God.

Published October 2008

Principle & Self Control.



纪律是一旦开始进行,不管面对任何苦难,阻碍或内心的感觉如何, 仍然坚持依照原定计划.纪律是因原则存在,而非靠感觉:纪律是在我们不想要时仍然坚持做对的事;纪律是在我们面对挫折,失去信心,面对看以无法克服困难时,仍然坚持向前;纪律是品格的的创造者,如果少了纪律就会失去品格,纪律创造了你的生命的习惯与生活方式.


口是分为许多方面,的确是口可以帮助别人也可以杀人.但是身为一位拥有智慧的门徒所说的话是造就别人,祝福,帮助人,安慰而不是去杀人,伤害别人. 对怎样的人说怎样的话.. 用智慧去说话....智慧人说话前会通过思想才去说.
态度端正, 不要轻易发怒,控制自己的情绪. 一位成功者懂得如何控制自己的情绪.谦虚谨慎,谦虚去学习.神喜悦谦虚谨慎.
活出我们生命的价值观, 什么是我们人生的价值观因为如果我们有一个好的价值观就有好的品格... 我们的生命就是我的信息....

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Colossians 3: 18
Title: family and Life Charm.

Today pastor had sharing about family, husband & life, my life charm.

Wives ,be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the lord.

In this ten days i will been fast break, study knowledge, practice to practical,
planning for future.

wanna improve my principle, my knowledge study, my relationship,
my relationship with god..


Pray and Fast Break.

Pray and Fast Break.
Why I must to be because I want  to make good relation with God, Jesus, holy Spirit, breakthrough myself, got good principle, self control…
Please received it My Lord and Lord, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Friday, October 17, 2008





Thursday, October 16, 2008




首付10万买写字楼 荣尊堡2005经典回顾
祝福亲友 歌声传情 夏新首售双核笔记本!












Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Power Point

14Oct2008. today i need to do alot power point included my target power point.

Just reminder.

Jeff Thanks god

Monday, October 13, 2008




Saturday, October 11, 2008

最富有的时候, 就是最穷的时候..




傍晚, 亚当带着迟疑的脚步走进家门,怯见狭小的家中挤了五,六个小朋友,吃着母亲为他们预备的马铃薯.玉米.面包……, 并跟他的弟弟妹妹快乐的玩在一起,眼前这一切令他完全不能明白??


那天夜晚临睡前,母亲告诉他:" 亚当, 你要记得, 你不贫穷,也不比别人悲惨! 你可以帮助这些孤儿, 你很富有喔!" 从此, 亚当的人生完全改观, 因为妈妈让他知道自己很富有..

如今, 亚当是名成功的商人, 他说:" 我的富有不是因为事业成功. 而是因为我有一位在最贫穷的时候, 还愿意付出的母亲:而我的母亲, 他有一位无限富有的上帝...

Friday, October 10, 2008


要成功,要从低爬起来,必须牺牲我自己的后路. "全力以赴,牺牲自我" 因为我知道惟有面对许多的失败,挫折,拒绝,阻碍,困境,嘲笑,批评.才能登上神的山..

要做到自我放松, 无我, 有我,… 心境很静…. 想念神… 心境想念神..

要成功就要学习不用肉眼去看, 不用肉耳去听, 不用身体去行事…




Thursday, October 9, 2008




第一 怜悯=你要成为有怜悯的人,总要很快饶恕.在你的态度上恩典上恩待你的人.
第二 忍耐=耐心人,运用内在的力量控制你的怒气.
第三 慈爱=没有能力去害人,设计人;最后,成为一个行在真理中的人.

Knowing yourself, what is yr value of your life

1st what is yr purpose here, why i choose as your work and partner. everyone must have purpose why, must always asking yourself why, then you get the answers from your heart.

1st knowing yourself what is yr purpose, what is your gift ... if you didn't using your gift, the gift will leave you always. get back your confident.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What Is Your Values???

Psalm 91.4

Overview: "Tolerance" Seems to be Quite The " Buzz Word" today. Christians are routinely accused of being "intolerant". But what is tolerance and how does it mesh with values?

What is our values?

- Does you see how good God is? He keeps on knocking.
- He never makes our burden so heavy that we cannot carry it.
- And, He comes to us and helps us when we need it most.

This is what i'd learned about today "What is my Values"??
I'm alwayz asking myself "What Is My Values In My Business And My Life"

Thanks God For Everything You had Done To Me.!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008





傍晚, 亚当带着迟疑的脚步走进家门,怯见狭小的家中挤了五,六个小朋友,吃着母亲为他们预备的马铃薯.玉米.面包……, 并跟他的弟弟妹妹快乐的玩在一起,眼前这一切令他完全不能明白??


那天夜晚临睡前,母亲告诉他:" 亚当, 你要记得, 你不贫穷,也不比别人悲惨! 你可以帮助这些孤儿, 你很富有喔!" 从此, 亚当的人生完全改观, 因为妈妈让他知道自己很富有..

如今, 亚当是名成功的商人, 他说:" 我的富有不是因为事业成功. 而是因为我有一位在最贫穷的时候, 还愿意付出的母亲:而我的母亲, 他有一位无限富有的上帝...