Sunday, November 29, 2009



[When a person can] accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God. Ecclesiastes 5:19
If you meet someone and spend an extended time talking, you eventually reach the point when you begin to discuss what you do for a living or what you did before you retired. I love to hear about what people do for a living because they usually tell something exciting or infuriating or interesting about their line of work.
I am thankful for employment. I am thankful for a job that allows me to feed my family and provide for my children. I am thankful for the means to own a home, a car, and other things needed in a typical home.
I am thankful for employment that has meaning and gives me the satisfaction of doing something worthwhile. Most jobs, when boiled down to their basics, do not sound like much. One person rents tuxedos, another fixes pipes, another cleans office buildings, and another sells shoes. But each job is necessary and provides a sense of worth and calls for creativity and intelligence.
Our jobs provides us with an opportunity to do what we do well. They allow us to express ourselves and be a part of a community that is pulling together toward an efficient, prosperous, and effective society.
Let’s thank God for things to do and tasks to accomplish. Let’s be thankful that he ahs given us a way to provide for ourselves and for those who depend on us. If you are employed, praise God for your job.

Father, thank you for work that allows us to express ourselves and enables us to provide for our needs. Help those who are out of work to find meaningful employment. Amen.


「〔当人能够〕取自己的分,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是神的恩赐。」 传5:19
