Tuesday, November 18, 2008




1)我们对我们的认识? 请问你认识你自己吗? 你是怎样的人呢?
你是怎样的人, 如果你是一位积极的人和美好的思维就有美好的将来. 一位不能勇敢的面对自己的好处和短处就不能面对这个残酷的世界. 我认识我自己有很多好的恩赐.. 感谢主.

如果你能够在你自己的人生找到你的人生价值和健康的思想/思维. 那肯定对你的认识肯定是一定的增加.

如果要成为一位出名影响力的成功者,领导者,基督徒就可以了解为什么我那么的肯定自己. 因为我是一位出名影响力的成功者,领导者,基督徒.


Finding Your Place

. . . being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Right now you may not be in a position to place others on your team. In fact, you may be thinking to yourself, How do I find my own niche? If that's the case, then follow these guidelines:

* Be secure - If you allow your insecurities to get the better of you, you'll be inflexible and reluctant to change. And you cannot grow without change.
* Get to know yourself - Spend time reflecting and exploring your gifts. Ask for feedback. Do what it takes to remove personal blind spots.
* Trust your leader - A good leader will help you to start moving in the right direction. Or get on another team.
* See the big picture - Your place on the team only makes sense in the context of the big picture. If your only motivation for finding your niche is personal gain, your poor motives may prevent you from discovering what you desire.
* Rely on your experience - The only way to know that you've discovered your niche is to try what seems right and learn from your failures and successes. When you discover what you were made for, your heart sings.

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